Tuesday, November 26, 2013

YouTube ''Vlogger'' Fail.

I tried to be a YouTube Vlogger, (a person that records himself talking about random things or about his own life) and It was a fail. I recorded a bunch of videos of myself talking about a lot of things, interesting things, but when the editing part came, it screwed me up. 

When I put all the videos in my computer and started watching them, I realized that they, for sure, needed to be edited. I opened a editing software and started doing the ''Jump Cuts''. Jump Cuts are the cuts between rests, pauses to think or when you take a breath, that you make on your video to make the video smaller and easier to watch. 

It is so hard to make the jump cuts, it takes a long time! After my editing was done and I saved my video on my desktop, I closed the software and watched the new edited video. IT WAS HORRIBLE! My jump cuts worked well, but in the middle of the jump cuts, there were some parts that the screen turned into a black screen. I made a lot of work for nothing! After that bad experience, my YouTube Star career was over.

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