Wednesday, November 27, 2013

When Your Friends Break Up.

When your friends break up is not a good feeling. You don't know what side to pick. My friends were dating and then suddenly, they broke up. I don't know in what side should I stay! They are both my friends and it sucks. They are both in my bus, so they are going to invite me to sit with them, but I don't know which one I am going to sit with. This is going to be an awkward moment. 

They are probably going to be mad at me because I don't know which one I should be with. If they start complaining about it, I am going to tell them both to fuck off! This is so fucked up. I am going to feel so bad, because I think I prefer the guy more than the girl, as a friend. She is a little mean to me and he is always good to me. 

Screw them, I am going to sit with a random person in the bus, and I am going to talk to them normally like nothing has happened. I guess they will still be friends, that is what he told me. She just broke up with him because her mom was complaining about their relationship, but she still likes him. I hope everything goes better with them, they were a cute couple.  

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