Saturday, November 30, 2013

My First Birthday In America

Yesterday was my first birthday in America. It was fun as fuck! I thought it was going to be sad and not fun, but I was wrong. I thought that because it was my first birthday without my mom. She still lives in Brazil, and it was a sad side of my birthday, but it was good anyway.

I got a lot of surprises, because people lied to me and I believed them. There was this whole conversation about me getting a new PS4, but my mom said she was going to buy it for me. I thought it was okay, but after I got back from a party, my dad gave me a box with a new PS4! He said he was going to try to get a job at a bar, but he went to Walmart to buy my PS4! I was so surprised and it was fun. We left the console doing the updates, and we went to Outback to get some food. Outback was so good, they are the best steakhouse ever, and I got a free Ice Cream because it was my birthday (lucky guy).

After I got back from Outback, my dad made another surprise for me. I got into the house and then my 3 best friends jumped from the sofa and screamed ''HAPPY BIRTHDAY!''. My dad left Outback earlier saying that it was too cold for the plants and he had to put them inside, if not, they would die. It was the best surprise ever! I thought I wasn't going to see my friends that day, but they were there. We started playing the PS4, it was so fun, even my dad was playing. I was so happy that everybody was there. My dad made an awesome birthday with a lot of surprises for me. The only bad thing was that my family is in Brazil and it was my first birthday without them. Besides that, my birthday was awesome.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

My First Thanksgiving Experience.

Today I had my first Thanksgiving experience. It was good, people from all over the US coming to Charleston just to celebrate with their family, it was beautiful. I really loved the feeling of waking up on a Thursday and not having to go to school. Thanksgiving is fun because of that, not because of the celebration. 

The food was okay. I mean, it was good, but I think a Brazilian Barbecue would be much better than the turkey. The people are cool, and everything is good, but is not as good as people told me. They told me it was the best holiday after Christmas, but I don't think it is that good. It is good because we don't have school, but the celebration is too boring.

It is better than nothing, but I think people told me the wrong thing. Thanksgiving is a good holiday, I liked it. No school, no homework, just chill. But it is not as good as people told me. The best thing about it is that you get to meet a lot of people from all over the places, and they tell you all their experiences, tell you about the place they live, and that is good to know and learn. In a scale from 1 to 10, I would give it a 7.5.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Addictive iPhone Games.

I always find new iPhone games to play when I am Bored. I just go to the ''Top Charts'' section on the app store, and there is always a new and awesome game to play. This freaking games make me addicted, trying to beat people's scores and be in a good place in the ranking. 

Last week I found out about ''Head Soccer'', this game is amazing! I am not even in the beginning and I am already in love. I can play online with my friends and it's really fun! I found out about ''Bike Trip'' too, and it is one of the most addictive games ever! 

The one that I am really into these days is ''Whale Trail''. What a game! It is so freaking addictive, because you want to be in the ranking, and you want to buy all the upgrades for your character. You want to buy the skills and new skins, so it makes the game more addictive than it already is. The people that create these games are smart as fuck, they can think about what people like and make it so fun to play, that you don't even see the time passing away, and you still playing.

When Your Friends Break Up.

When your friends break up is not a good feeling. You don't know what side to pick. My friends were dating and then suddenly, they broke up. I don't know in what side should I stay! They are both my friends and it sucks. They are both in my bus, so they are going to invite me to sit with them, but I don't know which one I am going to sit with. This is going to be an awkward moment. 

They are probably going to be mad at me because I don't know which one I should be with. If they start complaining about it, I am going to tell them both to fuck off! This is so fucked up. I am going to feel so bad, because I think I prefer the guy more than the girl, as a friend. She is a little mean to me and he is always good to me. 

Screw them, I am going to sit with a random person in the bus, and I am going to talk to them normally like nothing has happened. I guess they will still be friends, that is what he told me. She just broke up with him because her mom was complaining about their relationship, but she still likes him. I hope everything goes better with them, they were a cute couple.  

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

YouTube ''Vlogger'' Fail.

I tried to be a YouTube Vlogger, (a person that records himself talking about random things or about his own life) and It was a fail. I recorded a bunch of videos of myself talking about a lot of things, interesting things, but when the editing part came, it screwed me up. 

When I put all the videos in my computer and started watching them, I realized that they, for sure, needed to be edited. I opened a editing software and started doing the ''Jump Cuts''. Jump Cuts are the cuts between rests, pauses to think or when you take a breath, that you make on your video to make the video smaller and easier to watch. 

It is so hard to make the jump cuts, it takes a long time! After my editing was done and I saved my video on my desktop, I closed the software and watched the new edited video. IT WAS HORRIBLE! My jump cuts worked well, but in the middle of the jump cuts, there were some parts that the screen turned into a black screen. I made a lot of work for nothing! After that bad experience, my YouTube Star career was over.

This Will Be My First Thanksgiving!

This month I will have my first thanksgiving! I am not from the United States, and in Brazil we don't have the Thanksgiving holiday, so I'm very excited. As my friends told me, I am going to dinner parties and eat a lot, but a lot of food. I really love to eat, so for me, this is going to be a good holiday. Also, this Friday we have the Black Friday, and my birthday is on Friday too! I am going to take advantage of that and buy a lot of things for my birthday.

People in school today talked a lot about Thanksgiving, the Principal was saying thanks to the Indians, because they helped the first Americans here and blah blah history blah blah. It was cool, at least they recognize that they wouldn't be what they are today if the Indians weren't there.

I will not have to go to school for the rest of the week, so I have a 5 days weekend! This is going to be pretty fun. We have Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and my birthday in the same week! I am going to try to enjoy it a lot, go out with friends, dinners and everything. I am planning to eat sushi with some friends, because sushi is the best food ever! I will try to have a good Thanksgiving, and have a lot of fun this long weekend!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

I Need A Girlfriend!

I really need a girlfriend, I've been without one for 8 months or more! I moved to the USA 8 months ago and since then, I didn't find any girl yet. I don't know if it is because my english is not perfect, because I'm ugly or because I'm too crazy.

Americans are awkward, I mean, when I do something that you need to have nuts to do it, like awkward things or things you need to be confident to do, most of my friends think I'm crazy. I talk to random people in the streets, I do crazy stuff, I don't give a fuck about what people think about me and my friends seem to think that this is crazy, and maybe that's why I didn't find an american girl yet, because they probably think I'm crazy as fuck!

This week I'm betting with myself that I'm going to hang out with some girl and if I don't, I will have to pay a price that I'm still deciding ( I love to bet with myself! ). I hope I find a girl and my love life comes back to normal like it was in Brazil! 

Friday, November 22, 2013

Setting Up A Schedule Task.

I always try to set up a schedule, but it never works. I am very bad at following rules and following orders. I wish it was different, because it gets me into a lot a trouble with my parents. Set up a schedule is a good thing because you can enjoy your time more and not waste it away. In the end of the day I always think about things I could do with my free time if I followed a schedule. It is 2:07 am now and I am writing a blog post.

 I will not try to follow a schedule, even knowing that it is good for you. I just don't feel like living with my time calculated already, knowing what I am going to do. I want surprises, I want to follow my mood, do whatever It's in my mind and that is it. My dad complains a lot about my sleeping time, but I don't give a fuck! I just want to live my life without rules, schedule, people giving me orders. It is too late now, I am tired and I am going to sleep, because I don't follow a schedule.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Some People Don't Trust The Internet.

I don't know why, but some people just don't realize how much internet is important and it is a important part of the world now. I was talking to my dad, who is laughing a new mastering company, and told him to create a blog about the company and try to sell his products. A lot of people do the same thing, but he was laughing at me. He thought it was stupid, because he doesn't know the impact a good blog has in a company or product. I am going to try to convince him to use a blog to sell his products, but it is going to be hard. He already has a website for the company, but he doesn't use this as a blog. He doesn't write articles about mastering, he doesn't write articles about his company, it is just a website for contact and demos. I think people should believe more in the internet power and that internet has a lot of ways to work and advertise. If I start a business, a band, or try to sell my work, I will for sure do the most part via internet.

I also think you can earn money online, I am not sure. I've heard people talking about how to make money online and everything, but I've never tried myself. I heard something about online surveys, and that you can make a little bit of extra money on them. I also heard about writing articles for websites as a guest, and they give you half of the money they earn from the advertisers.

Another point that people don't trust on internet is online shopping. A lot of my friends are scared of buying online. They think the product will not come, people are going to hack their credit cards, and their personal information. I agree with these arguments, because I know a lot of people that already got stolen on internet, or their products didn't arrive. I think the best thing to do is to check the website credibility, if it is trustworthy or not, and read reviews from people that bought from the website. Internet is not that bad, and people should trust more on it!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

I Am Addicted To Blogs!

All I can think in my days now is blog. It is the only word that comes into my mind. I think I am addicted to blogs! I hope it stays this way for a good time, because I'm liking it. Everyday I search about how to start a blog, how to get visitors, how to be a blogger and this kind of stuff that beginners search about. It is pretty hard to start a blog and continue with it. Even in the first day, I was already thinking about giving up! It is a hard thing and you have to have a strong mind to keep up with your blog. I hope I don't give up, because I like it and people say it is worth!

Monday, November 18, 2013

What I think about High School Girls.

What I think about High School Girls? They are the best and the worst girls ever. I was thinking how bad and mean they are, and at the same time, how beautiful and cute they are. High School Girls are so freaking mean, they like to make fun of everybody, they don't care about you, they just want to be POPULAR! That is what they want, it doesn't matter if she is a cheerleader or a nerd, they always want to be recognized by something. My friend was saying that freshmen on high school are the worst girls you are going to meet in your life. They are gonna step on your face, they are gonna make fun of you, they are going to make everything to be recognized.

In the other side, High School Girls are the most beautiful thing I've ever seen! When they like you, they are so cute and nice! If you find a female friend or a girlfriend that really likes you, they are gonna be the best person you will ever meet. If she has a crush on you, you are a lucky person. I, particularly, don't have a girlfriend. I have some friends that do have a girlfriend, and I see them together, is so beautiful!  

I've heard that girls in High School cheat a lot on their boyfriends. You just need to give them a reason to do it. So I don't trust High School girls a lot. I know some female friends that already have cheated on their boyfriends. They are so mean, they don't even care. I see them flirting with other guys when their boyfriends are not around, that is so ridiculous. 

I don't have a conclusion yet but I think the evil and mean side of the High School girls prevail.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Driver's Permit is Annoying.

Getting a driver's permit is a nice feeling, until the first month. After the first month, you already know how to drive, know the feeling, and everything is fine. But then you start to realize that you can't go anywhere without your parents and you can't drive by yourself.

This is frustrating! Because you know that you still have 5 more months to drive just with your parents. You are already counting the days, but still too far away. You can't give ride to friends, you can't pick up your girl at her house, you can't go anywhere you want. This is the worst feeling ever. I will get my full license in 1 month and a half and I am already going crazy. I can't wait for my license, but I am afraid of the test. I hope everything goes fine! 

What is Better Than Eat Pizza and Watch Movies?

What is better than eat pizza and watch movies? Today I went to my friends house because he invited me to eat some pizza and watch some movies. It is the best feeling ever. We were playing Call Of Duty when the pizza got there. We were so freaking happy, we are pizza lovers. We started eating the pizza and watching Fast Five. The movie was recorded in Rio De Janeiro, my hometown in Brazil. The movie was okay. His parents got home with his brother, and then we started watching Ghost Rider. It's a good movie too, but I've watched it before. The pizza was the best part, though.

Do you know when you have a fatty day? When you just do lazy stuff and eat? My day was like that. I wanna do this more often, because school is so boring! I was lucky because I didn't have homework today. My parents don't buy soda for our house, but when I got outside, I buy soda a lot, because I am addicted to soda, specially coke. After I came home I brought some coke from my friend's house and ate some shrimp with it. It was a lazy Sunday, just to get prepared for another Monday School day. It sucks.